Friday, 17 April 2015

Science homework to do on the blog


What can you find out about Sir Isaac Newton and his
Write your comments below:


  1. Newton was the person who discovered gravity,he discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head he and he wondered why did it fell.He played a vital role in scientific revolution and established a legacy that would dominate the sciences for the next three centuries.In fact,the term newtonian would be used by future generations to describe bodies of knowledge that owed their existence to his theories.

  2. 1) What can you find out about Sir Isaac Newton and his theories?
    Sir Isaac Newton is a scientist, mathematician and a Philosepher who discovered the three laws of motion which is Interia, Acceleration and reaction. This is explained below:

    - Interia Law - An object will remain still unless acted on by a unbalanced force.
    - Acceleration - An object acceleration is produced when a force acts together.
    - Reaction - This law states that for every action there is a equal but opposite reaction.

    Sir Isaac Newton also discovered Gravity when an apple fell on his head from a tree.

  3. Sir Isaac Newton was born in England in 1643. He had many talents including: astronomy, mathematics, physics, and alchemy. In 1687 he published the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. This work is considered to be among the most powerful books in the history of science because it laid the groundwork for most of classical mechanics. In this work, Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion. He showed that the motions of objects on Earth are following the same set of natural laws, so removing the last doubts about and advancing the scientific revolution.

    Sir Isaac Newton, who discovered gravity, was a mathematician physicist nearly three centuries ago. Many people are told that he was sitting under an apple tree when an apple fell and hit him on the head and that gave him the idea of gravity. In reality what he discovered was that there is a force that is needed to change the speed or direction of a moving object. After more experiments he wrote his theories of gravity.

  4. Newton was the man who discovered gravity by a apple falling from a tree.

  5. Sir Issac Newton was a famous inventor and a mathematician.

    He was the first person to know what gravity was by an apple falling on his head.

  6. Issac newton discovered gravity when a apple fell on his head. then that got him thinking then he found out that on earth gravity pulles us down but in space you fly up and bounce a lot . If you want to measure gravity you have to use newtons

  7. Riya Kamath 5SG
    Science – Isaac Newton
    Born in January 4th 1643 Isaac Newton made a discovery of gravity with just an apple falling on his head. He was also an English physicist and mathematician who is widely recognised.
    Following are the three laws of motion.
    The first law (Law of Inertia)
    Newton's first law of motion states is that an object that is not being pushed or pulled by some force will stay still, or will keep moving in a straight line at a steady speed. It is easy to understand that a rocket will not move unless something pushes or pulls it. It is harder to understand that an object will continue to move without help. Think of the rocket again. If someone is flying a rocket and jumps off before the rocket is stopped, what happens? The rocket continues on until it goes into space.

    The second law (Law of Acceleration)
    The second law explains how a force acts on an object. An object accelerates in the direction the force is moving it. If someone gets on a bicycle and pushes the pedals forward the bicycle will begin to move. If someone gives the bicycle a push from behind, the bicycle will speed up. If the rider pushes back on the pedals the bicycle will slow down. If the rider turns the handlebars, the bicycle will change direction. The formula showing this law is F=m*a, or the force acting on an object is equal to mass times acceleration.

    The third and final law
    The third law states that if an object is pushed or pulled, the object will be push or pull equally in the opposite direction. If someone lifts a heavy box, they use force to push it up. The box is heavy because it is producing an equal force downward on the lifter’s arms. The weight is transferred through the lifter’s legs to the floor. The floor presses upward with an equal force. If the floor pushed back with less force, the person lifting the box would fall through the floor. If it pushed back with more force the lifter would fly into the air.

  8. RHYS THE BLOGGER!!!!23 April 2015 at 09:15

    Issac newton found out about gravity and he is buried in west minster abbey.Because he found out gravity he had a force named after him and that name is Newton's. He discovered gravity when he was sitting under an apple tree and a apple fell on his head.The apple variouty is believed to be one called Flower of Kent.

  9. Sir Isaac Newton was born in the county of Lincolnshire, England in 1643. His father died just months before he was born, and when he was three years old, his mother left him in the care of his grandmother. Isaac was always a top student, and went off to the University of Cambridge at age 19. One day he was sitting under a apple tree and an apple fell on him and he experimented about gravity

  10. Sir Isaac Newton was the on that has discovered gravity from a falling apple from the tree.He was had discovered that there was gravity on the world and it pulled things down and he discovered that heavier things go faster

  11. RHYS THE BLOGGER!!!!28 April 2015 at 10:02

    Issac newton found out about gravity and he is buried in west minster abbey.Because he found out gravity he had a force named after him and that name is Newton's. He discovered gravity when he was sitting under an apple tree and a apple fell on his head.The apple variouty is believed to be one called Flower of Kent.
