Friday, 8 May 2015

Next week we will be visiting Hampton Court Palace! What are you looking forward to most? Share your comments below:


  1. Sri Pokkuluri9 May 2015 at 02:49

    I am looking forward to look at the paintings in Hampton court palace, information about Henry's banquet.
    And i am looking forward to look at the map of the Tudor times.

  2. At Hampton Court Palace I am mostly looking forward to learning more about Henry VIII and all of his wives.
    I am also looking forward to seeing Henry VIII's Royal Chamber. At Hampton Court Palace I would like to learn more about his children ( Mary, Elizabeth and Edward).

  3. I was looking forward too the wives of henry VIII because there was a secret about one of the wives and it was
    Anne Boleyn ghost. she had her ghost when she was trying too tell henry sorry for cheating on him she did not have time so the guards took her could find the ghost when its on a cold spot

    by Ibrahim

  4. I am looking forwards to seeing the stuf that henry viii did
