Friday, 21 November 2014

Topic Homework Friday 24th November 2014

Topic- to be done on the blog.

This week we will be learning about democracy, which was invented by the Ancient Greeks. What can you find out about it?



  1. Democracy means: A system government by the whole population or
    all the eligible members of a the state,
    typically through elected representatives.In Greece it means the rule of people.
    That is where each individual person has a vote about what to do. Whatever the most people
    vote for wins. There is no king or tyrant, and anybody can propose a new law.One problem that immediately comes up in a democracy is who is going to be able to vote. Should people vote who are just visiting from some other city-state? How about little kids, should they vote? Or should there be some limits?The earliest democracy in the world began in Athens, in 510 BC. When democracy proved to be successful in Athens, many other city-states chose it for their government too. But most of them allowed even fewer people to vote than Athens did: most of the other city-states only allowed free adult male citizens to vote IF they owned land or owned their own houses (that is, the richer people).

  2. What Democracy means and what I found out about it.

    Usually, the rule of the people involves voting either (directly) straightaway to the point or indirectly (saying something which means something) through councils.

    The original Greek word was copied from demos, meaning the people, and kratein meaning to rule. So it means the people rule.

    Basically, a democracy is a system of government owned and controlled by the Governs. Decisions on policies and actions by the government are made by the chosen councils of the populace, or by direct plebiscite.

    The modern concept of a democracy is a form of government in which power is held directly or indirectly by citizens under a free electoral system. Abraham Lincoln referred to the US democracy as a government by the people, of the people, and for the people.
    That is where each person has a vote about what to do. Whatever the most people
    vote for wins.
    The earliest democracy in the world began in Athens, in 510 BC. When democracy proved to be successful in Athens, many other city-states chose it for their government too.

  3. What was Democracy like over 2400 years ago in ancient Athens?

    A form of democracy in ancient Greece was practiced in ancient city-state of Athens for about 100 years. It was an experiment. The people really liked it. How it worked is that all adult citizens had to take an active part in government (rule by many) if called on to do so. At this time, citizens were free men. Women, children, and slaves were not citizens, and thus could not participate or vote.

    Each year, there was a drawing. 500 names were drawn from a pool of all the citizens of ancient Athens. Those 500 citizens had to serve for one year. During that year, they were responsible for making new laws and for changing old laws as they saw fit. But, nothing they did became law until all the citizens of Athens had a chance to vote yes or no. Majority ruled.

    This form of government is called a direct democracy. The famous Athenian, Pericles, said: "It is true that we (Athenians) are called a democracy, for the administration is in the hands of the many and not the few, with equal justice to all alike in their private disputes."

    This form of government came to an end in ancient Athens after Athens lost a war with Sparta. This was the Peloponnesian War. For a while, Athens was ruled by a small group of Spartans.

    But, for a brief period of time, Athens had a direct democracy, or a government in which all citizens vote on rules and laws. We owe them a lot! It is one of their finest gifts!

    A representative democracy, like the government of the United States, is a government whose citizens vote for representatives. These representatives create and change the laws that govern the people.

  4. continuing: Another problem for democracies was that it was very inconvenient for men to always be going to the meeting-place to vote. Most men had work to do, planting their grain, making shoes, fighting wars or whatever. They couldn't be always voting. So most democracies sooner or later ended up choosing a few men who would do most of the voting, and the rest only came when there was a really important vote. It was hard to decide how to choose these few men, and different cultures did it different ways. Athens did it by a lottery. If you got the winning ticket then you were on the Council of 500. Men served for a year.

  5. Democracy, literally means, the rule by people. The democracy came from a root word called demos and kratos. In the 5th century as a name for the political system that existed at the time of some of the cities in Greece.

    Liberal Democracy

    • Although the democracies failed avert the world wars of the great depression and squeeze the axis powers in world war 2 and admitted off the contest of communism in the cold war that followed.

  6. Democracy means government by the people and for the people. The word democracy also incomes from Greek, and means rule of the people. That means that all the people should be able to have their say in one way another in everything that affects their lives. Democracy is also a form of government in which people, either directly or indirectly, take part in governing.
    There were four different types of government in ancient Greece:
    • Democracy - A government ruled by the people, or assembly. Officials and leaders were elected and all citizens had a say. Rule by many: One city-state, Athens, experimented with democracy, or rule by many. For a while, every citizen in Athens could vote on laws and changes in the laws. This form of government continued until Athens was conquered by Sparta.
    • Monarchy - A single ruler like a king. In Athens this ruler was called a Tyrant. Ruled by a king: Some city-states were ruled by a king. This is a type of government is called monarchy. The city-state of Corinth is an example; Corinth was ruled by a king.
    • Oligarchy - When the government is ruled by a small group. Ruled by a small group: Some city-states were ruled by a small group of people. This type of government is called an oligarchy. The city-state of Sparta was ruled by a small group of retired and highly respected warriors.
    • Tranny – The word tranny comes from the Greek word tyrannos which means ‘usurper with supreme power’. Over time, a person who ruled the tranny became known for holding power, using cruelty and abusive means.
    Democracy spread around the Mediterranean, but was wiped out by the Roman Empire in 100 BC. A few years later, Athens started democratic methods to solve local problems. A thousand years later, in the Middle Ages, some cities in Italy - Siena, Florence, Genoa, Pisa, Venice - went back to having a democratic government. These were organised in different way, but none allowed the poor or woman to vote. There is a Greek saying which says, “like frogs around a pond", Greece was a collection of some 1500 separate communities scattered round the Mediterranean and Black Sea shores.

  7. Democdemocracy means y the people. the difference between the insect and the difference between it that they all are different.

  8. The word 'Democrcy' literally means rule by the people. It comes from the ancient greek words 'demos' (people) and kratos (rule) in the middle of the 5th century BC as a name for the polictical system that was the that existed at the time in some cities of Greece notably Athenes as a form pf government, democracy contrasts with Monacy.

  9. What is Democracy?
    Democracy is a system of government through elected representatives of the country.

    Democracy in Ancient Greece: Ancient Greece underwent 4 different types of Governement.
    - Monarchy: means ruling individually by a king. Monarchs were helped by council advisors. The warrior Monarchs ruled from 2000-1100 B.C. living lavish lives. People obeyed the Monarch and served him gratefully. When the warrior Monarch died, his eldest son would take over as Monarch.
    - Oligarchy: means when few wealthy members of the middle class took the ruling power in their hands. Oligarchs ruled Sparta, Corinth and Athens from 1100-800 B.C. Citizens lacked voting powers.
    - Tyranny; when an illegal person seized the control of the kingdom in their hands by being cruel or abusive. Tyranny started in 600 B.C. when merchants and manufacturers became unhappy with their Oligarch rulers, demanding more privileges. Military Leaders overthrew the oligarchs and became tyrant rulers and became wealthy by receiving gifts from the citizens.
    - Democracy: Citizens started democracy in Athens in 500 B.C. Rich and poor citizens were allowed to debate and vote to choose their representatives. The Executive body was responsible for running the day-to-day State matters.
