Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Homework sheet

In case some of you lost your homework sheet, check out the Year 5 page on the school website!


  1. Literacy: The Cat & The Fox

    As night fell, rain plummeted down, the cat glimpsed a slick of ''tangerine'' fur! she was struck with fear. the cat ran away & hid. She smelt the breath of rotten trash & felt her fur prickled. The fox didn't know where the the cat was. The cat stayed alert, but stealthy.'' I could leap over the bush, sprint & leap onto & over that nearby fence.'' thought curiously, the Cat.
    He curiously peeked & checked if the fox was still wandering in that area. The fox was gone. The rain got worse, wind lashed trees and bushes & lightning roared like a hoard of lions. He didn't want to go out in the rain, finally, the cat shot across the rain swept road & lept onto and over a fence! He was safe .... for now!!

  2. Good work Manan

    * You used great description
    * Interesting vocabulary
    Wish Add Show not tell
