Friday, 27 November 2015

Topic Homework

This week we will be learning about the Ancient Greek idea of democracy, which is still in place in many countries around the world today. Can you explain what democracy is, giving an example?


  1. Greek Democracy

    The Ancient Greeks were the first to introduce democracy to the world. In 507 BC, Greek emperor Cleisthenes began a network of political reforms that he called 'demokratia', meaning 'rule by the people'. This consisted of three different institutions - the ekklesia, a governing body that invented new laws; the boule, a group of representatives from 10 Athenian tribes; the dikasteria, the courts in which different citizens argue cases in front of a panel of selected jurors. Even though this democracy only survived for two centuries, it has inspired many world leaders and governors around the world.

  2. The word Democracy comes from the Greek words demos, which means ‘people’, and kratia, which means ‘power’ and it means ‘rule by the people’. In a democracy all adults can vote and have a say in choosing the government. It has been used many times through history but started in Greece. The Greek city of Athens had a form of democracy as all the men met in one place and made the laws but women did not take part.
    Great Britain is a democracy but it has only been a proper democracy since the 1900s. Before that only men could vote. Women have only been allowed to vote because of a group of woman called Suffragettes. They fought for the right of women to vote; sometimes they got a little violent. In 1918 women over 30 were given the vote but it was only in 1928 that women over 21 were allowed to vote, the same as men. ESME@

  3. Ancient democracy was when men were only allowed to vote. The way it worked was that, every year, 500 citizen were drawn out of all the citizen and those 500 men made different laws. But those laws weren’t laws until a lot got elected.

  4. Decromacy was in Athens.Decromacy was an experiment.Each year there was a drawing. Five hundred names were drawn from a pool of all the citizens of ancient Athens.

  5. November 2015 at 09:44

    Democracy is a system of government where everybody has a say about what the laws are and how they are used.

    Former U.S.A President, Abraham Lincoln described democracy as "of the people, by the people, and for the people."

    An example of democracy is the U.S.A., where they elect a president and members of the Congress to represent the people. They also elect local and state officials.

  6. Meaning of Democracy:
    A democracy is one of the five forms of government which people, either directly or indirectly take part in governing. The word democracy is originally Greek meaning 'Rule of the People' .

    An example of democracy would be an example which is a upcoming event for England about whether or not the country should be counted as part of Europe. This vote is an direct form of democracy. Everyone 18 and over has the free right to take part in this political matter.
    Democracy today is different to the democracy in the greek days here are some differences.

    Today we're allowed to vote men or women. Greeks said that only men could vote.
    Today you have to be a citizen of the UK Greeks said you had to be born in Athens to vote.
    Today you can rich or poor to vote. Greeks said you couldn't be a slave if you want to vote.

  7. N@TH@N IS A UNICORN1 December 2015 at 10:59


    Democracy is when everybody has a choice on important decisions that affect the country. Democracy was developed by the Athenians in Ancient Greece. They used it for about 100 years as an experiment. It worked that a group of 500 citizens [men] would be randomly chosen to be the government for one year. Whatever they chose to be a law it had to be agreed with the citizens of Athens. Democracy in Ancient Athens was called direct democracy but now our democracy is called representative democracy. For example last year there was the UK election and people voted for their local MPs would represent them. Also whichever political party received the most votes would be the ruling party and their leader would be the Prime Minister.

  8. The word ‘democracy’ means ‘rule by the people’, and is derived from the Greek word ‘demokratia’, made up of two separate words - ‘demos’ (people) and ‘kratos’ (rule). It is a system of government in which the people of a state or society participate in making decisions about its affairs, usually by voting to elect representatives to a parliament or similar body. Democracy means government of the people, by the people and for the people. It is considered the finest form of government in which the people remain the sovereign power determining their destiny, as opposed to other types of government, such as monarchy (rule by a King or Queen), oligarchy (rule by a number of people), aristocracy (rule by a privileged class) or despotism (absolute rule by an individual).

    Evidence of the first democracy traces back to Ancient Greece, especially Athens. They were the first people to practise it in a community as large as a city.

    A lot of the countries in the world are now democratic, but the largest democracy is India. India gained independence from the colonial British rule on 15th August 1947, and on 26th January, 1950 the Indian Constitution, the supreme law that lays down the fundamental political principles and framework, declared India as a democratic federal republic.

    India is a multiparty democracy. Like the United Kingdom, it has a parliamentary system of government headed by the Prime Minister. Like the United States, India has a federal structure of government, in which the constitution divides power between the central government and the state governments, both of which are elected democratically. However, the role of the President in India as the head of state is largely ceremonial, and the legislative power rests with the elected ministers.

  9. Democracy was invented in Athens. It means in ancient Greek times that men were allowed to vote, you had to be over 18 and you had to be born in Athens. But now you can vote even if you were born in a different country and men and women are both allowed to vote.

  10. Democracy is a system of the government that started in the Greek times. Only Greek citizens were allowed to vote and you needed to be a man over thirty years old. The word democracy comes from demos=the people & kratia=power then, it became demokratia and after turned into democracy in the late 16th centuary.

  11. Greek Democracy
    By Siddharth Sridhar
    Over periods of time, the Ancient Greeks had different types of Democracy. There were 5 altogether. These were:
    • Monarchy
    • Aristocracy
    • Oligarchy
    • Tyranny
    • Democracy

    Monarchy was the first ever type of Democracy. There was only one ruler. This was normally a man as women were considered feeble in the olden days. This ruler was referred to a king or emperor. The king could do whatever he wants.
    The emperor usually went into battle with his army. When he dies, the throne will be inherited by his eldest son. If the king has only daughters or doesn’t have any children, the throne will be inherited by the next closest son to the king.
    Aristocracy means best. The king would give the best people shares of his land. This meant that the best would basically rule some parts.
    Then, later on the Aristocrats realized that they were better than the king. They overthrew the king and ruled as a group.
    Oligarchy means few. The whole kingdom was governed by a group of people called the Oligards. They ruled in luxury, but gave less to the poor. Then, after a few months there was a big reduce in everything and the poor became even poorer. Then the poor couldn’t stand it anymore and overpowered the Oligards.
    Tyranny is when a person fights for the throne. It is like the battle of Hastings in 1066, when William the Conqueror won the throne. Also, your son will not inherit the throne if you win the crown by fighting. In Addition, people fighting would try to win the people’s respect by vowing to help them if they became king.
    In Democracy, everyone is king. It is a free country. People have their rights. To vote, you must be a man over 18. This means that no women and no slaves were given the honorable right to vote.
